Friday, August 31, 2012

Game 2- Germany vs. USA- Bummer!!

Well...I promised more interesting and more interesting it was, but the end result...not in our favor.  The game against Germany was close was 23-23 at the half and we felt in control until the very end.  Neither team hit a shot in the 2nd half until about 6 minutes in and then it was a constant battle.  Defense was great, but the rims are so tight everything was slamming off the backboard and basket! We ended up losing by 6!

I thought my defense was solid, but, I struggled offensively...I mean I only took two shots, but neither is worth mentioning...maybe tomorrow will be my day!!

On a brighter note...I think the team is in a good place and a loss in pool play is not bad...we can work with it and will...I'm confident we got better and will continue to do so.

I'm off to sleep...we play Mexico early tomorrow morning!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Game Day 1- USA Defeats France

The first day of competition is always interesting...the jitters are there and the team is always pumped to play someone other than ourselves.  But it is especially interesting when the opponent is a team we haven't played in about six years.  As far as I can remember we haven't played the French since the cross-over of World Championships in 2006.  Needless to say it had been a while and we didn't really know what to expect.  Our coaching staff had met with coaches from other teams and had briefly discussed some key points to note about the French...but we were still going in blind.

After a few minutes we were off to the races and our team found a great thing you know its 41-8 at the half.  The 2nd half was a bit more forced as the intensity had to drop and our momentum consequently slowed.  We still outscored the French and finished the game 63-24...all in all not a bad day's work.

Tomorrow we meet the Germans...our rivals to the bitter end.  They finished 2nd to the US in 2008 and 2010, so as you can imagine there is a definite desire to beat us on this stage.

I wish there was more to say...but that's about it for now...I am sure tomorrow will be more interesting!  Until next time....

Opening Ceremonies

After hours of preparation...last night dressed in our finest Ralph Lauren (i.e. a blue blazer, while collared shirt, a cream-colored skirt, cashmere socks, and a beret...all fashioned after the 1950's Opening Ceremonies attire) we walked a little less than a mile in the chilled London air (thankfully it was dry, as it had rained most of the day) to a stadium filled with people, cameras, and lights.  The Queen and the Royal family were all in attendance and the crowd was so excited for the start of the Games.

We walked in to the sound of a roaring crowd and it was (as always) incredible.  After trying to navigate the track (which was covered in cords and various props) and trying to snap a few photos during the process we were finally seated.  Front and center we watched the end of the show.  Steven Hawking narrated as a show about a young girl named Miranda was continued.  She took a journey on a boat through waves (of people) and read some books.  There was some apple throwing and a bit of dancing at a protest about equality, which included a giant balloon statue of a naked disabled body (gender unknown).  Clearly I am not an artist because most of the time it really does go straight over my head, but I loved every minute of it nonetheless.

The torch entered the stadium by a retired wheelchair athlete who descended from the sky right in front of us and then was carried to the flame by a couple of British athletes.  All very cool!  The night ended with a lovely fireworks show!

Anyway...we rushed back to the village to get some food and sleep in an effort to be completely prepared for our game against France today!  I think it'll be a great start to an amazing tournament!

We play at 3:15pm...hope you'll all be watching!!!

Until later...all the best!!  a

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome Ceremony- Oops My Bad...

So imagine dancing clown-like court jesters, singing to Queen as the queen of ceremonies rides in on a golden chariot pulled by more clown-like jesters on stilts...and you have the opening of our Welcome Ceremony/Flag Raising Ceremony! While this sounds incredibly entertaining some might say the highlight of this poetic, dancing performance was when yours truly joined in song to "We are the Champions" and continued with a solo during the crowd's silence of "...of the world." (hopefully you know this Queen song or this story will make even less sense)!!

Interestingly today we practiced at one of our game facilities (i.e. the marshmallow), which is directly next to the Village...I mean literally right across the street...however the way the streets were designed we had a 15 minute ride to the gym...apparently this was easier than walking...oh boy!!  Additionally we learned that the transport mall does not want wheelchair users to transfer into seats on the bus because the empty wheelchairs are a safety hazard for others if the bus driver brakes...we quickly advised them that the balance issues of those of us in chairs were accentuated by staying in in our chairs and we are working to fix the me no one wants falling paraplegics in a moving bus!  The rest of the day was filled with practice and more practice and more practice, but tomorrow will be a nice resting day with only one practice on the competition court!!!'s getting late and it's time for us to watch a little Alias...have a great day/night (depending on where you are)!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Welcome to London!

We made it...and without any lost persons or bags, so totally a positive!!  After landing at Heathrow in London and a brief stop for a photo with Dorothy and the others from Oz (yes I loved the irony that I was actually not in Kansas anymore) we headed to the bus for a 1.5 hour tour of the outskirts of London! We viewed the city and the many beautiful sites we may not actually have time to see, but the tour was great!

We arrived at the Paralympic Villlage and had about an hour to eat, change, and grab a ride to processing! Processing is the warehouse where outfitting for the Games and ceremonies happens. Never before have Paralympians been given 99 items, but this time...we did and it was certainly a process!! Who knew that trying on clothes for 4 hours could be such a workout and lead to some members of the team overheating and becoming dehydrated.

Today we had practice and then a "friendly" game against Great Britain (GB)...ugh it was close! BUT the US prevailed! We had a few rough patches and a solid end game!  I will say it wasn't our best game ever, but we certainly liked the win at this point in the game! We have practice twice tomorrow!

Most importantly...I'd like to let you in on a little team's GOOGLE!!  Most think of this as a Internet search engine but to the US Women's Wheelchair Basketball Team it's a happy word, a word used to make you find your "happy place," a word used to take you out of that negative funk!  I Googled at least 300 times today...but mostly because I was helping my teammates and the staff get to their happy place...I was actually accused of being too happy today...clearly I have found my Google place...thank you happy words!!

Until tomorrow....good night!