Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome Ceremony- Oops My Bad...

So imagine dancing clown-like court jesters, singing to Queen as the queen of ceremonies rides in on a golden chariot pulled by more clown-like jesters on stilts...and you have the opening of our Welcome Ceremony/Flag Raising Ceremony! While this sounds incredibly entertaining some might say the highlight of this poetic, dancing performance was when yours truly joined in song to "We are the Champions" and continued with a solo during the crowd's silence of "...of the world." (hopefully you know this Queen song or this story will make even less sense)!!

Interestingly today we practiced at one of our game facilities (i.e. the marshmallow), which is directly next to the Village...I mean literally right across the street...however the way the streets were designed we had a 15 minute ride to the gym...apparently this was easier than walking...oh boy!!  Additionally we learned that the transport mall does not want wheelchair users to transfer into seats on the bus because the empty wheelchairs are a safety hazard for others if the bus driver brakes...we quickly advised them that the balance issues of those of us in chairs were accentuated by staying in in our chairs and we are working to fix the me no one wants falling paraplegics in a moving bus!  The rest of the day was filled with practice and more practice and more practice, but tomorrow will be a nice resting day with only one practice on the competition court!!!'s getting late and it's time for us to watch a little Alias...have a great day/night (depending on where you are)!

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