Saturday, August 25, 2012

Welcome to London!

We made it...and without any lost persons or bags, so totally a positive!!  After landing at Heathrow in London and a brief stop for a photo with Dorothy and the others from Oz (yes I loved the irony that I was actually not in Kansas anymore) we headed to the bus for a 1.5 hour tour of the outskirts of London! We viewed the city and the many beautiful sites we may not actually have time to see, but the tour was great!

We arrived at the Paralympic Villlage and had about an hour to eat, change, and grab a ride to processing! Processing is the warehouse where outfitting for the Games and ceremonies happens. Never before have Paralympians been given 99 items, but this time...we did and it was certainly a process!! Who knew that trying on clothes for 4 hours could be such a workout and lead to some members of the team overheating and becoming dehydrated.

Today we had practice and then a "friendly" game against Great Britain (GB)...ugh it was close! BUT the US prevailed! We had a few rough patches and a solid end game!  I will say it wasn't our best game ever, but we certainly liked the win at this point in the game! We have practice twice tomorrow!

Most importantly...I'd like to let you in on a little team's GOOGLE!!  Most think of this as a Internet search engine but to the US Women's Wheelchair Basketball Team it's a happy word, a word used to make you find your "happy place," a word used to take you out of that negative funk!  I Googled at least 300 times today...but mostly because I was helping my teammates and the staff get to their happy place...I was actually accused of being too happy today...clearly I have found my Google place...thank you happy words!!

Until tomorrow....good night! 

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